− Rystet konsertgjengerne til begeistret trampeklapp

Oslo-Filharmonien, Vasily Petrenko og Leif Ove Andsnes høster mange lovord etter konserten under BBC Proms i London. Her har vi samlet anmeldelsene.

Skrevet av Fred-Olav Vatne

Oslo-Filharmonien i Royal Albert Hall (Foto: Chris Christodoulou)

I uken som har gått siden Oslo-Filharmonien spilte i Royal Albert Hall 29. august, har det kommet en jevn strøm av anmeldelser av konserten, både i norske og utenlandske medier. 

Aftenposten fulgte orkesteret tett under turnéen, og laget denne reportasjen: 

Oslo-Filharmonien inntar Royal Albert Hall 

Aftenpostens anmelder Maren Ørstavik skriver: "Med voldsomme musikalske utbrudd som fikk publikum til å skvette i stolene, fikk de rystet konsertgjengerne til begeistret trampeklapp."

Les Aftenpostens anmeldelse: Knallhard russisk revansj 

− Remains a top-class ensemble

Andrew Clements i The Guardian skriver: "The orchestra, which made its mark internationally when Mariss Jansons was its music director in the 1990s, remains a top-class ensemble."

Les anmeldelsen: Thrilling ensemble bring Russian revolution to life

Neil Fisher i The Times skriver: "There was punch and conviction from the Oslo Philharmonic in this cleverly programmed all-Russian Prom"

Les anmeldelsen: Oslo Philharmonic/Petrenko at the Royal Albert Hall

Richard Whitehouse i The Independent skriver: "Petrenko was steadfast in support, having commenced the programme with a scintillating rendition of the suite which Stravinsky devised in 1919 from The Firebird."

Les anmeldelsen: Leif Ove Andsnes gave an insightful account of Rachmaninov's "Fourth Concerto"

Sjefdirigent Vasily Petrenko dirigerer Oslo-Filharmonien i Royal Albert Hall. (Foto: Chris Christodoulou)

− One of today’s top orchestras

Jeffery Taylor i Daily Express skriver (om Dmitrij Sjostakovitsj' Symfoni nr. 12): "We were thrown in at the deep end with Revolutionary Petrograd as the first of four movements. Predictable but in the hands of the Oslo Philharmonic, extremely enjoyable."

Les anmeldelsen: BBC Prom 60 by Oslo Philharmonic

Mark Pullinger i Bachtrack skriver: "The Oslo Philharmonic does fortissimo very well indeed. (...) It was all conducted with supreme confidence and utter conviction by Petrenko, often with his baton held pointing away from the orchestra, marshalling his troops expertly."

Les anmeldelsen: Petrenko and the Oslo Philharmonic wind up the decibel meter in Shostakovich

Geoff Diggines i Music Web International skriver: "From tonight’s offering the Oslo Philharmonic must be seen as one of today’s top orchestras. Every section of the suite showed off a particular orchestral resonance, from the elegance, but also grainy quality of the woodwind, to the precision of the percussion, brilliance of the brass and the diversity of the various string sections."

Les anmeldelsen: Thrilling and Insightful Performances from Andsnes, Petrenko and Oslo Philharmonic at the Proms

Sam Smith i Music OMH skriver (om Dmitrij Sjostakovitsj' Symfoni nr. 12): "In this very balanced and detailed performance by the Oslo Philharmonic under Vasily Petrenko, it was easy to engage with the piece’s strict musical credentials and to worry less about its connotations."

Les anmeldelsen: Prom 60