Photos and reviews from the England tour
Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra just returned from a one-week tour to England. Here's a collection of pictures, reviews and more from the tour.
Written by Fred-Olav Vatne

From the concert in Symphony Hall in Birmingham Saturday 12th March.
Photo Fred-Olav Vatne/Oslo Phil
The orchestra played six concerts in six cities during the England tour. After the opening concert in Bridgewater Hall in Manchester Monday 7th March, the orchestra played in Basingstoke, London, Bristol and Birmingham before the last concert in Saffron Walden Sunday 13th March.
Bridgewater Hall in Manchester
The Oslo Philharmonic played orchestral pieces by Grieg, Mahler's fifth symphony and Rachmaninoff's second piano concerto with Simon Trpčeski as soloist.
The Telegraph wrote: "... the Adagietto was thrillingly shaped by strings and harp, and the rollicking Finale superb both in pacing and execution. [about Mahler] For the encore, an arrangement for strings of Schubert’s F minor Moment musical was sheer perfection."
Read full review: Persuasively negotiating Mahler's pitfalls
The Times wrote: "For all the Mahler’s sonic dazzle, the orchestra’s superb best actually emerged in the first half. The Norwegian march from Grieg’s Lyric Suite was so adorable and glowingly atmospheric that five minutes of it just wasn’t enough."
Read full review (subscription): Oslo Philharmonic/Petrenko at Bridgewater Hall, Manchester
Manchester Evening News wrote: "It came up fresh and bright, with warm and velvety string tone and seriously impressive brass playing. The famous second movement ... was eloquent in its melancholy, with song-like contributions from the wind and string players and articulation that was disciplined and expressive at the same time." [about Rachmaninoff]
Read full review: Oslo Philharmonic @ Bridgewater Hall, Manchester
Music site Bachtrack skrev: "... Petrenko oversaw a performance of great intelligence, no excess of sugar in the slow movement and plenty of passion when called upon." [about Rachmaninoff]
Read full review: Intelligent and heartfelt opening to the Oslo Philharmonic tour
Bridgewater Hall collected reactions to the concert in a Storify story: Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra
Cadogan Hall in London
Thursday 10th March the Oslo Philharmonic played Shostakovich's fifth symphony and Tchaikovsky's violin concerto with Henning Kraggerud as soloist in Cadogan Hall in London.
Classical Source wrote: "... there were some glorious flute and clarinet contributions from respectively Per Flemström and Leif Arne Pedersen and one sensed Kraggerud’s genuine pleasure in their interaction. As if to reinforce this last point there was an unusual encore, a duo for violin and cello with the superb principal cellist, Louisa Tuck."
Read full review: Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra in Cadogan Hall
See the pictures from rehearsal and concert in Cadogan Hall below:
Henning Kraggerud during rehearsal.
All photos: Fred-Olav Vatne/Oslo Phil

© Oslo-Filharmonien

Vasily Petrenko during rehearsal in Cadogan Hall in London.

Violinists Pauls Ezergailis and Eileen Siegel.

Percussionist Terje Viken. Torbjørn Ottersen in the background.

Henning Kraggerud played his encores with Oslo Phil's principal cellist Louisa Tuck.

© Oslo-Filharmonien

Vasily Petrenko joined the percussionists for the last encore in Cadogan Hall.
Colston Hall in Bristol
The orchestra played in Colston Hall in Bristol Friday 11th March.
Bristol Magazine interviewed chief conductor Vasily Petrenko and CEO Ingrid Røynesdal ahead of the concert: Oslo Philharmonc Orchestra
The Guardian wrote: "While solo lines were realised with great definition and style, notably those of trumpet and horn, it was the impeccable discipline and tone that emphatically reasserted the OPO’s international status."
Read full review: Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra/Petrenko review – natural charm, deeply engaging
Symphony Hall in Birmingham
Saturday 12th March the Oslo Phil played in Symphony Hall i Birmingham. The spectacular hall with more than two thousand seats was full when the orchestra again played Grieg, Mahler and Rachmaninoff, with Simon Trpčeski as soloist.
Birmingham Post wrote: "Petrenko drew a tight, compact sound from the OPO for Mahler's mighty Fifth Symphony. Strings dug deep, and the brass soloists (horn, trumpet, trombone), so important throughout this work laden with symbolic imagery, were a constantly commanding presence."
Read full review: Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra at Symphony Hall

Vasily Petrenko with the Oslo Philharmonic.
© Fred-Olav Vatne/Oslo-Filharmonien

Simon Trpceski was the evening's soloist.

From the concert in Symphony Hall in Birmingham Saturday 12th March.
Photo Fred-Olav Vatne/Oslo Phil

© Oslo-Filharmonien

Applause for the horn section after Mahler's fifth symphony.

Applause for the woodwind section.