Tuba player Frode Amundsen grew up in a stimulating brass band environment in Nordhordland.
− There were many talented amateur musicians in that circle, and that inspired me to practice. My time in Eikanger-Bjørsvik Musikklag got my tuba playing going and is indirectly guilty of making me apply for a higher education qualification within music.
Frode has had no lack of heroes nor guidance on his way to becoming a tuba player:
− I have been inspired by and been given incredible help from many. Some great idols for me are Nils Eivind Nikolaisen, former tuba player in Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Olav Kristiansen, former tuba player in the Royal Norwegian Naval Forces Band in Bergen, and not least Torbjørn Kvist, tuba player in the Opera Orchestra.
Listens to a lot of Mozart
Frode worked in Aalborg Symphony Orchestra and Malmö Symphony Orchestra before he was engaged by the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra in 2006. His greatest experience with the orchestra so far occurred in 2009:
− It was the very first week with Petrenko. We played Prokofiev’s Fifth symphony. I had an incredibly good feeling after that concert.
He has also been a soloist with several Scandinavian orchestras, and in 2000 was the first brass player to receive the Princess Astrid Music Prize.
The tuba player’s favourite composers vary according to whether he is playing or listening:
− For my instrument Mahler, Prokofiev, Strauss and Bruckner are probably the greatest composers. I listen to a lot of Mozart myself. Listening to his music brings me a kind of peace.
In his free time Frode is most happy at sea; the boating life is his biggest hobby.