− The most important times have been when “everything comes together” − whether I have been playing a concert or been listening. Those experiences where the whole lifts itself above the individual musicians, are the ones which lend the music such power. It’s those experiences where you can enjoy the music fully, whether you are playing or listening.
Steinar Børmer
Steinar Børmer’s first meeting with the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra was critical to his becoming a musician:
− The first time my mother took me to a concert with the Oslo Philharmonic was also the first time I really discovered the double bass, he says.
− I thought it looked fun, and I decided to start playing the double bass. Without that experience I wouldn’t have been a professional musician today.
Several great musical experiences strengthened his drive.
− The most important times have been when “everything comes together” − whether I have been playing a concert or been listening. Those experiences where the whole lifts itself above the individual musicians, are the ones which lend the music such power. It’s those experiences where you can enjoy the music fully, whether you are playing or listening.
He has had several teachers in both Norway and been on shorter study stays in the US and England. The sources of inspiration have been many.
− A few names which stand out are Henning Kraggerud, with his total dedication to music, Bozo Paradzik, who makes a double bass sound so good, and the Hagen Quartet, with an ensemble playing in a league of its own.
− Let yourself be swept away in the moment
The double bass player started in the Oslo Philharmonic in 2010. As an orchestra musician he finds pleasure in great music, good colleagues, and exciting tours.
− Among the greatest highlights I remember was playing with Mariss Jansons in the Musikverein in Vienna, the performance of Symphonie Fantastique with Herbert Blomstedt conducting here in Oslo, and playing for a packed Royal Albert Hall in London.
Mahler, Brahms, Beethoven and Richard Strauss are among Steinar Børmer’s favourite composers, and he also listens to a lot of jazz. As a listener he believes presence of mind and awareness are critical to the musical experience:
− Let yourself be swept away in the moment. Music can express so much − feel what resonates with you in every moment.
When Steinar isn’t playing he likes walking in the forest, learning new things, meditating and spending time with good friends.