− To see the bright, smiling, moved and touched faces from the public and my colleagues at the end of a concert is my greatest joy as a musician.
Pierre Xhonneux
Pierre Xhonneux grew up in a musical family in Belgium.
− Becoming a professional musician didn´t really appear to me as something exotic … and my dad, by knowing the hard way of being a musician and living from his passion, didn´t really push me. Still, playing music was so much fun for me. I couldn´t imagine myself sitting behind a desk! I wanted to share the enthusiasm I had for music with as many people as possible!
He went on to study music in Namur and later in Paris, and after the studies, he played with the Liège Philharmonic for several years and played at festivals in many European countries.
− To see the bright, smiling, moved and touched faces from the public and my colleagues at the end of a concert is my greatest joy as a musician.
Enjoyed playing Grieg in the middle of nature
Pierre joined the Oslo Philharmonic in 2015. He says playing with his new collegues is a great inspiration:
− In much of the same way that my professors had a big influence on me during my education as a future professional musician, I must say that my colleagues in the Oslo Philharmonic now have a really inspiring and motivating influence on my play and my way to interpret music.
I August 2015, the orchestra played the season’s first concert outdoors:
− My finest experience with the orchestra so far was playing Grieg during the outdoor concert in Beitostølen … in the middle of the nature, the mountains and this amazing view all over the fantastic Norwegian landscape.
− Avoid looking at the program
In less inspiring surroundings, his favorite composers are French:
− For many reasons, Ravel and Debussy are in the top of my hitlist in the moment. Even after listening to Ma mère l’oye or La Mer for the hundredth time, I still discover new things, new harmonies and new colors that make these works magic!
His advice to get the best possible concert experience as a listener in the audience is to seek to discover new things.
− The live concert is an experience in itself! Especially avoid looking at the program. My advice would be as follows: The less you know, the greater is the surprise and the enchantment! Close your eyes and let us take you in a fantasy world filled with charm and beauty.
When he´s not playing, Pierre enjoys exploring his new country:
− I like going out − Oslo has some very nice clubs! I also enjoy reading, discovering Norway and learning Norwegian words and expressions.
- Member since: 2015
- Born: 1988
- Education: Studied music in Namur, Belgium and in Paris, France.
- Other: Played in the Liège Philharmonic.