− What gives me the most pleasure in my work as a musician, is that one can communicate so many different moods and feelings. Communicating with one’s fellow players and making music is a fantastic gift.
Åshild Breie Nyhus
Åshild Breie Nyhus grew up in Oslo in a very musical family, and the musical joy surrounding her was passed on early:
− I found a lot of inspiration at home, where both classical and folk music on violin and viola was a natural part of the everyday. It made me find my way early!
In the 1990’s Åshild joined her father’s folk music ensemble Sven Nyhus Sextet. At the same time she studied classical violin at Barratt Due Music Institute and at Norges Musikkhøgskole.
− What gives me the most pleasure in my work as a musician, is that one can communicate so many different moods and feelings. Communicating with one’s fellow players and making music is a fantastic gift.
− I’ll never forget the final concerts with Jansons
Åshild was engaged in the first violin group in the Oslo Philharmonic in 1999, and was later given the position of Assistant Principal Violist in 2004. She has been a soloist with the orchestra on harding fiddle, and in christmas concertos six years in a row on nyckelharpa. She's also played in many of the orchestra's chamber concerts. Conductors have played an important role in defining her best memories with the orchestra:
− I have had many great experiences with the orchestra, but I’ll never forget the final concerts with Mariss Jansons! Otherwise, one can live on concert experiences with Herbert Blomstedt and Andris Nelsons for a long time.
With such a varied musical palate, her musical taste is naturally quite varied as well:
− Of course I love classical music, not least Baroque music. Mahler and Sibelius are among my favourite composers. Otherwise, it’s Norwegian and Swedish folk music which lies closest to my heart, since I’m also a folk musician. Jazz is also good to listen to!
When Åshild isn't playing, she likes walking in the forest or taking long, steep hikes in the mountains.