− Try to listen not only to music that you love, but to give a chance to music you do not know. New happenings in our life often inspire us. Of course, listening to great music we already know is very enjoyable, but fresh art will open for you fresh ways of thinking. We, the Oslo Philharmonic, will try to give you such new happenings that will inspire you to make something impossible come true.
Aleksandre Khatiskatsi
Aleksandre Khatiskatsi grew up in Georgia. Early on, he had a strong wish to become a musician, influenced by many pieces of art with a strong story and meaning. The storytelling aspect of music is still very important to him:
− When someone understands my story in my art without explanation, that´s what gives me the greatest joy in my work as a musician. I enjoy any music that includes a strong story or opinion and that makes you wish to continue developing ideas that the author has given to you.
− Give a chance to music you do not know
Aleksandre studied music in Tbilisi, Georgia and in Oslo, and joined the Oslo Philharmonic in 2010.
− To see that even in countries that are thousand kilometers away, people know this orchestra and give respect and love, has given me some of my finest experiences with the Oslo Philharmonic.
He has also played with Georgia National Philharmonic as a soloist and guest concertmaster.
Aleksandre has the following advice to concertgoers in search of great concert experiences:
− Try to listen not only to music that you love, but to give a chance to music you do not know. New happenings in our life often inspire us. Of course, listening to great music we already know is very enjoyable, but fresh art will open for you fresh ways of thinking. We, the Oslo Philharmonic, will try to give you such new happenings that will inspire you to make something impossible come true.
Aleksandre loves photography as much as music, and enjoys telling stories with his photographs as well.