− Giving everything, becoming one with the music, and the sound which we create all together, are the things which give me the greatest pleasure in my work as a musician.

Kathrin Dalnoki

Kathrin Dalnoki comes from Lübeck in Germany, where she has studied at the city’s Music Academy and worked in the Lübeck Philharmonic Orchestra.

− It was evident quite early on, when I was five or six years old, that I had a certain talent for music, she says.

− It was decided that I should be allowed to pursue music, and in the beginning I played both piano and violin. When I was around ten it had become clear that I was going to be a violinist.

Kathrin identified her principal heroes among the world’s leading violinists, both at home and further east:

− My childhood idols where Anne-Sophie Mutter, Maxim Vengerov and Vadim Repin. After a while though, it was my teachers and the other students around me who had the greatest influence on me.

Loves the three great B's

She was sorking on her Masters at Norges Musikkhøgskole with Peter Herresthal when she was offered the job in the Oslo Philharmonic in 2005. She likes being a part of a big music community:

− Giving everything, becoming one with the music, and the sound which we create all together, are the things which give me the greatest pleasure in my work as a musician.

Her favourite composers are all listed in the same section of the alphabet:

− I love the three great B’s - Bach, Beethoven and Brahms … I’ll always be extra excited when Beethoven’s Fifth or Brahms’ Fourth are on the programme. Brahms’ Fourth with Myung-Whun Chung conducting is one of the greatest experiences I’ve had with the Oslo Philharmonic.

Kathrin doesn’t think the audience needs to prepare themselves much to benefit from a concert:

− My best advice for getting the most out of a concert is as simple as sitting down, letting your worries go and just enjoying the music.