− At its best, there is little out there which gives one a kick like playing music from the great masters in a very good orchestra.
Arve Moen Bergset moved to Vinje in Telemark when he was five years old. In addition to playing the violin, he studied singing with Sondre Bratland, and finding the time to practice was never a problem:
− I might have a tendency to be slightly single-minded, for better or worse, says Arve Moen Bergset.
− When it comes to music and practicing, this particular character trait has been a positive thing. Practicing for hours has always felt enjoyable.
− A remarkably inspiring and ingenious teacher.
In the 1980s, Arve became a household name as a singer, and received The Spellemann’s Prize for folk music in 1987. The fact that he today works as a professional classical violinist, he attributes in great part to one of his violin teachers.
− I can mention several people who have influenced me, but if I am to choose only one of them, it has to be Leif Jørgensen. I had the opportunity to be his student for only one year before he passed away in 1988, but to have had such an inspirational and, I want to say, ingenious teacher when one is fifteen years old and open to impulses, was crucial for me.
Arve then studied violin at Norges Musikkhøgskole and has been engaged by the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra since 2003.
− At its best, there is little out there which gives one a kick like playing music from the great masters in a very good orchestra. For me the absolute greatest are Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert and Brahms − but Mahler too! Beethoven’s symphonies are monuments, Richard Strauss’ Metamorphoses is one of the most gripping pieces I know…I could of course go on.
− A perfect marriage of mind and spirit
When answering questions about his greatest experience with the Oslo Philharmonic, one conductor’s name stands out:
− It’s not easy to choose one experience, but the productions with Herbert Blomstedt are always a joy! He has a full overview and at the same time a deep passion for the music; a perfect marriage of mind and spirit. He is very charismatic and succeeds in establishing a common understanding of the music for us musicians so that we all “pull together”. With Blomstedt I feel that one enters deep within the music and I have very often felt moved by his productions. The fact that he continues to give as much as he does despite his great age is very unusual.
When Arve isn’t playing or singing, he enjoys literature, nature and a good meal.